Saturday, 22 March 2014

"Fly The Bluebird" - the long arm of Lenin...

Fascinating! Jason Barnard's review of “Fly The Bluebird” for The Strange Brew Podcast has been quoted by with the following comment (translation by Dmitry Epstein - many thanks, Dmitry!):

Любопытный факт: песню “Lеnin” исполнил фолк-роковый певец Beau (настоящее имя Trevor Midgley) на своём альбоме “Fly The Bluebird”, последовавшем после прошлогоднего издания его винилового сета “Twelve Strings To The Beau”, на котором были собраны записи, сделанные почти сорок лет тому назад. Давненько я не слышал песен о вожде мирового пролетариата, да ещё с сарказмом. Дью, например, задаёт вопрос: “Where was the communism please, in your community?”. На альбоме довольно много политики. Прошёлся Дью, любимец Джона Пила, и по Штатам в песне “Rooks & Ravens”, затронув тему “коррозийного эффекта Guantanamo Bay”...
(An interesting fact: song “Lenin” is delivered by folk rock singer Beau (real name Trevor Midgley) whose album “Fly The Bluebird” follows up the last year’s edition of his vinyl set “Twelve Strings To The Beau” that collects the recordings made almost 40 years ago. It’s been a long time since I heard songs about the leader of the world’s proletariat, especially ones imbued with sarcasm. For example, Beau asks, “Where was the communism please, in your community?” There’s a lot of politics on the album. Beau, John Peel’s fave artist, also touched upon the States, in “Rooks & Ravens,” where he picks on the subject of “corrosive effect of Guantanamo Bay”...)

Sarcastic? Moi? (Note to self: send copy to the Kremlin FAO Vlad the Lad - or would I be putin my foot in it...?)

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