Tuesday, 20 April 2021

Dagger Zine reviews "The Methadone Of Time"...

Like the man concludes, “…give this guy a bull horn and drop him in the city square to keep the folks entertained!”
Many thanks indeed!

Beau- The Methadone of Time (Cherry Red)

British singer/songwriter Beau (real name; Trevor Midgley) is back with his umpteenth release (his previous one, 2020’s The Magic of Public Relations was very good). This time out, the songs written during lockdown, Beau has a lot on his mind (ok, when doesn’t he) and some of the topics here include “Gotcha” journalism, the George Floyd murder, and binge-watching tv (guilty!). Like his recent records, most of the songs are Beau’s voice and guitar and you can tell by some of the songs titles that  A) he’s got a sense of humor and B) he likes shining a spotlight on things happening in our society (ok, two things you would’ve known had you listened to a few minutes of his music). Cuts like “Funfair for the Common Man,” “Attitude Sickness,” “Little Something For Your Troubles” and “Self-made Man” to name but a few. Also don’t miss terrific tunes like the folky “The Felon” and “Bigfoot McInnes”  and the satirical “Slip of the Tongue.” Like I said last time, give this guy a bull horn and drop him in the city square to keep the folks entertained (and get em all riled up, too). Mutiny never sounded so good.

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